When do I use Skin Glanz Body Lotion?

The Skin Glanz Body Lotion is to be used daily after every shower or when skin appears dry.

When do I use Skin Glanz Facial Cream?

The Skin Glanz Facial Cream is to be used daily and every time the face is cleansed.

Is it necessary to clean my face?

Yes, it is necessary to clean your face, because every day we walk outside we get to do with flying dust particles that can clog our pores if they aren’t removed. This could lead to all kinds of impurities to accumulate on your skin. So cleaning is a necessity otherwise you’ll get impurities, such as pimples, etc.

How many times can I use Facial Mask with Scrub a week?

The Skin Glanz Facial Mask with Scrub can be used twice a week. Not more frequent than that because you need to give your skin some time before the next time you scrub.

How many times a week can I use Skin Glanz Facial Mask/Face Wash?

You can use the Skin Glanz Facial Mask/Face Wash daily, because it is necessary to clean your skin.

How do I apply the masks on my face?

The Skin Glanz Facial Masks should be applied on your face, neck, around your eyes and on your eyelids. This is because Skin Glanz is a nature product, you should never do this with a chemical product.

Is Skin Glanz also for men?

Yes, the Skin Glanz products are for male, female, old, and young. People of all ages, because everybody needs to clean their skin.

What time of day am I allowed to apply the Skin Glanz masks?

Since Skin Glanz is based on a 100% Surinamese nature products, you are allowed to apply the mask any time of day. Day, night, and everything in between.